Previous Annual Reports

2022 Annual Report

In just a few short years since our launch in 2019, we have made great progress toward our mission of ensuring that stroke survivors and their supporters have the resources needed to rebuild identities and rewarding lives. 2022 truly was a banner year — not only did a team of riders cycle across the country to raise awareness of our mission message but we also gave more talks, wrote more articles, facilitated more groups, and tapped more avenues for distributing our work than ever before. Thank you to all of our supporters, partners, and allies for all you did to help amplify the impact of our work! We invite you to read the report below for more comprehensive information about our impact over the past year, including financial highlights, strategic updates, and key achievements.

The report is best read in full-screen mode, to activate it, click on the icon in the top menu of the section below. To advance the pages of the report, click the left and right arrows. Alternatively, you may download the full report here.

Previous Reports

2021 Impact Report